Grade Access
Student Grades, Lunch, and Attendance
In an effort to provide timely access to student’s grades and attendance records, we are providing the following K-6 and 7-12 links to keep you abreast of your son/daughter’s progress. Grades are updated regularly, so check back often to monitor your child’s progress.
*You will need the USERNAME you were given and the PASSWORD you selected at registration.
- Example: Jeff Grebin family
- Username: grebin (parent last name)
- Password: pa55w0rd (parent’s choice at registration)
If you have forgotten either your username or your password, please contact:
Jody Druivenga (Elementary) 712-829-2171, Tammy Boyer (High School) or Christi Elwood (High School) 712-829-2162.
Note: For security reasons, if contacting via email, we will only reply using the email address you supplied at registration.