October 19, 2016, Stanton Community School Board Meeting Agenda
Stanton Community School District
School Board Meeting
October 19, 2016
5:30 PM Board Room
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Public Presenters/Guest and Visitors Addressing the Board
IV. Approval of Agenda
VI. Discussion/Action - Approval of Past Minutes
VII. Reports
A. Transportation
B. Nutrition
C. Activity Fund
D. Discussion/Action Finance
E. Discussion/Action - Consideration of Bills
VIII. Old Business
A. Discussion/Action - ADA Compliance Renovation Project - FCM Contract
B. Discussion/Action - Anderson Park Field Lighting Project
C. Discussion /Action - Cyber Liability
IX. Updates
A. Superintendent Updates
1. Certified Enrollment Numbers
2. H G & D Committee Update
B. Principal’s Updates
1. PTSO Update
2. Booster Club Update
3. Good News
C. IASB Correspondence
1. Discussion - IASB Annual Conference/Atlantic Workshop
D. School Improvement Update
X. Personnel
XI. New Business
A. Discussion/Action - ISEBA Section 125 Plan
B. Discussion/Action - Corner Conference Membership
C. Discussion - Other
XII. Adjournment